Tips for buy a durian in bali

Hasil gambar untuk durian bali

Durian is the most popular fruit in Indonesia no exception in bali , many people love it because the taste is very delicious and the smell is unique and the price is cheap , i think you should know ,  where you should buy it. now i will explain it.

1. Buy a durian in the bangli or tabanan , because in thats places the price of durian is cheap
dont buy in supermarket or mall because in thats place the price of durian is  expensive

2. Becarefull if you want buy a durian in the street , if you are tourist from the other country , you will get expensive price  , dont buy it if the price is so expensive.

that's all about the tips , thank you 

PI hotel bedugul or Ghost hotel

Hasil gambar untuk hotel pi bedugul

Pondok Indah hotel (PI hotel) is located in the tourist area Bedugul Bedugul, Tabanan, Bali. This four-storey hotel building was built around 1997 by Tommy Soeharto. Around the year 2007, the hotel building was then closed and become stalled. this hotel is very large with dragon ornament. and my friend said this hotel have many ghost.If you want go there , you can find the addres in google maps with keyword "hotel pi bedugul".

Besakih temple

Besakih temple is the largest temple in Bali which is precisely located in the District of Rendang, Karangasem regency. In the past, the place before the building Besakih is only found in a woody wilderness. Prior to the Bali Strait (Segara Rupek) island of Bali and Java time are still together and have not been separated by the sea, the island is named Long Island or Pulau Dawa. Somewhere in East Java, Mount Rawang (Mt roar) there is a Yogi or a hermit named Rishi Markandeya. Because the height of bhatinnya science, spiritual chastity, as well as the skill and wisdom of his then by the people, he was given the nickname of Lord Giri Rawang.

At first, Markandeya Rishi meditated in Mount Demulung, then moved to the mountain Hyang (supposedly it was DIYENG Hyang mountain in Central Java who came and said DI hyang). So long he was imprisoned there, got a decree from Hyang Widhi Wasa in order that he and his followers merabas forest on the island Dawasetelah completed, so that the land was distributed to his followers.

So then he departed to Bali with his 8,000 followers with the necessary equipment and tools. Arriving in place of the destination, he ordered his followers to begin to crush the forest. However When cut down the forest, many attendants The Yogi Markandeya who are sick and dying, and there are also dying eaten by wild beasts, because it was not preceded by a ceremony yadnya (bebanten / offerings).

Then he ordered his followers to stop perambasan. With a heavy heart he then invited his followers to return to Java. He was back in place of the original hermitage to seek guidance to Hyang Widhi.Setelah some time he was dipertapaannya, raised his goal return for further crush the forest. On a good day, he again went into Bali. This time he took his second berjumblah 4000 that came from Aga village that is inhabited slopes of Mount Rawung. Participated in the group of Pandita or the rishi. The followers bring equipment along with agricultural tools and seeds of plants to be planted in the new place.

Upon arriving at the destination, Rishi Markandeya promptly did penance yoga meditation together other yogis and offered upakara yadnya of Dewa Yadnya and Blind Yadnya. After the ceremony was finished, his followers were put to work to continue perabasan the forest, cutting down trees and others start and south to north. Because it is seen there are enough forests dirabas, then thanks Asung wara nugraha Hyang Widhi Wasa, The Yogi Markandeyamemerintahkan so perabasan forest, it stopped and he began to make divisions of land for the followers of each rice fields, tegal and housing.

Thus the followers of the sage Markandya derived from Aga village (population slopes of Mount Rawung East Java) settled in the place until now. Place former commencement perambasan woods by the Rsi / Yogi Markandya plant jug (caratan) containing water, with 5 kinds of metal, namely: gold, silver, copper, bronze and iron, called Panca Datu and gems Mirahadi (ruby major) with sitertai means upakara more and sprinkled pangentas Tirta (holy water). Growing a fifth type of metal it was named Basuki which means congratulations. Why are so called because on arrival Rsi Markandya the two along with 4000 followers survived no problems or a disaster like that experienced at the time of his first arrival. It was later established palinggih place. Gradually in place were later erected or heavenly temple named Pura Basukian. Pura is a forerunner of other establishment -pura temple in the temple complex Besakih. Others have suggested that the construction of the temple on the ground began Isaka 85 or 163 years AD. Construction of the temple complex in Pura Besakih with its gradual and sustained effort of restoration and repairs were carried out continuously over time,.

Tirta Empul temple

Hasil gambar untuk tirta empul

Tirta Empul Temple is located in Tampaksiring , Gianyar , you can find this temple in google maps.
its a cold temple , with many pool. and the water in the Tirta Empul Temple's is very cold and fresh
i have been there 10 times and i never bored in there. if you want go there , please follow the rules.
in the pool , you can see the giant fish , or if you lucky you can see the snake in the wall of pool. trust me this is the beautiful temple.



Morning , today i will tell you about my country , i think you should know about this one.
Indonesia is a country with many religions , people , culture . but you should know , indonesia now just a country with many radical people , i don't judge my country , but this is a fact. we are know Indonesia has a  many regulations like every one can be a president , governor , and many more , but i think that's regulations is expaired now , its real and its a fact
the example : Ahok is a chirstian but he got a rigged from his opponent like : "choose moslem people , and dont choose a guy from the other religions , to be a governor or president , if you choose him you will go to the hell this is the GOD instructions" . I don't judge the religions but i judge the people who use the religions for win the general election . thanks


Tips Tips Tidak Korupsi

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Oke hari ini gw akan memberi tips tips bagaimana cara tidak korupsi : 

1. Ingetlah lu itu manusia bukan hewan , kenapa gw bilang seperti itu ?  oke gw jelasin terlebih dahulu , lu tau sendiri kan kalau hewan itu tidak bisa berfikir lalu mereka hanya menggunakan nafsu mereka , Contoh nya : Kucing , kucing itu sering ngambil makanan kalau misalnya elu engga tutup pintu kan wkwkwk , jadi simple nya itu , inget diri lu itu manusia bukan hewan !!

2. jaga iman lu , di agama  sendiri kan lu  dibertau cara jaga iman kan ? , yaudah jadi gw engga bakalan jelasin lagi :v

3. bersyukur dengan apa yang ada , ketika elu dapet gaji yang cukup lah , atau apapun itu , elu itu harus nya bersyukur , bilang lah terimakasih sama tuhan ,bukannya protes , banyak kejadian dimana orang engga bisa bersyukur dengan keadaan nya sehingga mereka korupsi , padahal gaji mereka sampai ratusan juta , hebat kan ? , 

4. inget Hidup bukan hanya untuk mencari materi . kalau elu hanya ingin mencari materi doang dalam hidup lu , lu udah salah besar gan :v , kenapa gw bilang begitu ? , hidup itu harus nya bahagia , mencari kesenangan , engga harus kesenangan itu yang mahal mahal, cukup yang bisa bikin elu nyaman dengan kebahagiaan itu , kalau elu hanya ingin mencari materi doang , rugi hidup lu gan :v 

5. Belajar dari sekarang jangan Korupsi , nahh cara ini cukup simple bagi elu elu yang niat , bisa elu belajar di rumah , di sekolah atau dimana saja , 

itu saja tips simple dari gw :v , thanks :v 


Parah nya Pejabat di negara ku

Ini post pertama gw

Sesuai dengan judul nya , Indonesia memiliki banyak orang yg menetap dan menjadi warga asli , dan saking banyak warga negara nya , semakin banyak pula yang berminat   menjadi pejabat negara , banyak hal yang di ingin kan untuk menjadi pejabat , yaitu yang pertama : ada yang ingin benar benar membuat indonesia maju , dan ada juga yg ingin korupsi demi kepentingan istri nya atau diri sendiri , nah dan lebih parah nya itu , hanya di indonesia yang pejabat koruptor yg ketangkap korupsi bisa senyum senyum tanpa rasa bersalah , aneh kan ?? , Brengsek kan ??
nah ini dia foto foto manusia gagal !

Hasil gambar untuk koruptor senyumHasil gambar untuk koruptor senyum

Nah itu dia foto foto nya , kalau gw upload disini semua bisa bisa ini thread bakalan jadi novel :v
nah ini saran dari gw , bagi elu elu yang pengen jadi pejabat negara , gw harap elu bisa tahan dengan yang nama nya nafsu untuk mencuri (korupsi) , bagaimana pun ketika elu menjadi pejabat negara , elu itu disumpah pake kitab suci , nah kalau elu lakuin hal hal kayak orang ( katanya dia orang , padahal bukan :v ) diatas , apa beda nya elu sama binatang :v ? , jadi gw harap elu elu yang baca ini thread bisa paham tentang apa yang gw sampein :v , dan kalau elu baca ini thread terus elu korupsi artinya elu  belum bisa diangap manusia :v . nah tips tips supaya engga korupsi nanti gw jelasin ke elu elu pada ya :v
oke itu aja thread dari gw :v , thanks :v

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